Local Natives - "April"

Local Natives - "April"

I have been away a couple weeks on a combination of vacation and work travel, so when I got back I did what I tend to do — open the internet and start listening to my music. Consider my surprise (and joy) when I found out that Local Natives had a new album out, and it came out today.

But I’ll Wait For You is the 6th studio album from the California group, and it’s considered a direct companion (“sister” as they put it) to their previous album Time Will Wait for No One. I’m embarrassed to say I haven’t listened to their last album either, but I’m sure it will be enjoyable as always. Now, as I catch up, I discovered that the single “April” was the first release from this album and I figured I should start there. I am profoundly glad that I did.

What starts as a dreamy and relaxed track quickly changes gear when the guitar (bassy guitar?) triumphantly enters the scene and completely transforms the track to something else altogether. It’s a bop, and I am hooked.

Night Cap - "Honey"

Night Cap - "Honey"