Ben Hobbs - "Wishful Thinking"

Ben Hobbs - "Wishful Thinking"

Stumbling across a new artist is always a mixed experience. On one hand, you have very little material to base an opinion on, maybe just a song or two, which means there is tons of potential to follow them as their sound evolves. On the other hand, you only have a song or two to satiate your new-found musical addiction. Such is the case with Ben Hobbs and his newest, "Wishful Thinking". Only the second ever song from the London native, it is powerful, electric, and soulful, and leaves me wanting to hear more. Unfortunately we'll have to wait to hear more from him, but in the meantime I have this track and his debut "Sweet Enough" to keep me entertained.

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Tom Misch & Carmody - "Easy Love"

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Flume - "Never Be Like You" (feat. Kai)