Anderson .Paak - "Fire In The Sky"

Anderson .Paak - "Fire In The Sky"

Last night I went to see a movie. A movie…in a movie theatre [gasp]. I was lucky enough to have ticket to see Shang-Chi. For those who don’t know, Shang-Chi is a 70s-era Marvel character that has often had some pretty bad racial stereotypes in it. This movie, thankfully, pushes hard against those stereotypes and is all the better for it. One of the things I did notice was how well done the soundtrack was, with a variety of artists and styles that perfectly fit the aesthetic of the film. Turns out Marvel tapped 88rising, a company that tries to shine a spotlight on arists of Asian decent, to create the soundtrack and ooooh did they do a good job.

I am sitting there enjoying the movie when suddenly I heard a voice that sounded unmistakable like Anderson .Paak, but it was a song I didn’t recognize. As soon as I leave the theater I do some Googling and confirm that a) it was Anderson .Paak, and b) there were suddenly YouTube videos less than an hour old. Hell yeah.

Which all brings us to “Fire In The Sky”, a laid-back and breezy soul number from .Paak, who never fails to impress. The lyrics smooth as, and the production puts .Paak in his element. It’s a must-listen

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