Jack Garratt - "Breathe Life"

Jack Garratt - "Breathe Life"

Jack Garratt has been one of the most prolific artists featured on RCS since we first heard him back in 2014. Since then he has steadily released hit after hit, growing his fan base in the process. Now he has released "Breathe Life" and given people yet another reason to eagerly follow his music. "Breathe Life" is poppy, a little eccentric, but will almost definitely pick up a lot of new fans for him. Along with "Breathe Life", Garratt also announced his debut album, Phase, due out next year. 2016 is looking to be a hell of a great year.

Phase is due out February 19th. Pre-order your copy here

Oli Hannaford - "Free Things"

Oli Hannaford - "Free Things"

Lewis Del Mar - "Wave(s)"

Lewis Del Mar - "Wave(s)"